Monday 30 June 2014


This disease is frequently caused by sedentary and indolent habits, and by occupations which confine to the sitting position. Sitting on cushions favours the development of piles by heating the parts. High-seasoned food, stimulating and fermented drinks and cathartic remedies are also among the causes which give rise to this affection.


A sensation of fullness, heat, and perhaps itching is felt about the anus, caused in the great measure by the dilatation of the veins of the lower part of the intestine or rectum, and in the anus or external passage. The swelling increases until small tumors from which are sore and painful. These may be external and visible or internal, and are often of a bluish color, and when inflamed they are very sore and painful to the touch. There is frequently a discharge of bold, especially from internal piles, and such discharges often return repeatedly until a habit is established, and there is a feeling of fullness before and relief after such discharges. 


If there are much inflammation, heat, pain, soreness, and fever, give Aconite once in two hours until these symptoms are relived. If there is hemorrhage give Nitric acid once in two hours until it is relived, and then give a dose every morning and dose of Nux vom. Every night for two weeks, after which give Nux vom. At night and Sulphur in the morning. These two remedies may be continued for several months. If not withstanding the above remedies hemorrhage returns a dose of Calcarea carb. Given night and morning for a few weeks will rarely fail to relive this symptom, and also to benefit the piles. If the flow of blood is very profuse give a dose of Ipecac every hour until it is relieved. If there is no hemorrhage and the patient is either of sedentary habits or a high liver, give Nux vom. At night and Sulphur in the morning. With females Pulsatilla sometimes dose better then Nux vom. In obstinate cases if the piles are bluish and there is burning in them, give Carbo veg night and morning.

If the patient expects a permanent cure of this disease, he must shun the causes which have produced it, or he can never obtain anything more than palliative relief from the best remedies. He must shun all stimulating drinks and spices, use brown bread, and but little meat, and eat temperately, and take active out-door exercise. Lie with the face downward, and sustain the weight of the body by the elbows and toes, resting on a sofa or bed, for a few moments, and then slowly raise the hips and lower them five or six times; this tends to relive the congestion of the veins about the anus, and if repeated two or three times a day, but also fore felling of the bowels, as well as for failing of the womb. 

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Myopia (short-sightedness)

Myopia is a visual defect in which near vision is good but distance vision is blurred. The victim, usually a child or a youth, requires minus (concave) glasses to see clearly at distance. In young age, myopia is progressive so that glasses gradually grow thicker.


Check if most symptoms of any of these medicines match with your symptoms:

Physostigma 30:

Increasing myopia, with small pupils and twitching eye-muscles. The eyes feel tired and irritated even after a little use. Soreness of tongue-tip and a fluttering of the heart (which is felt even in the throat) are other features of the remedy.

Phos 30:

Short-sightedness in tall, lean, narrow-chested person. Black floaters before the eyes. Lights seem to be surrounded by a green halo. Letters appear red. Puffiness all around the eyes. An oversensitive nature and an irresistible desire for cold drinks and foods (e.g., ice cream) are other pointers to this remedy.


1.   Since myopia is a progressive defect tending to increase during the entire childhood and adolescence, other therapeutic measures like eye-exercises, Acupressure and Magnet Therapy are, perhaps, more important than medicines. Details of these measures are given in the book ‘Vision Training Programme’ by the same author.

Monday 2 June 2014


Conjunctivitis means an inflammation (swelling) of the most superficial membrane covering the eye. It is characterised by redness of and discharge from the eyes, causing their agglutination in the morning.


Check if most symptoms of any of the below-given remedies match with most of your symptoms:

Aconite 30:

Sudden, acute conjunctivitis with red eyes and swollen eye-lids. The eyes are dry and hot and there is a feeling of sand in them. The victims is restless and anxious and feel he is going to die. There is an unquenchable thirst for cold water.

Argentum n 30:

Severe conjunctivitis, the inner corners of the eyes looking especially red. There a profuse, pus-like discharge from the eyes. There is a tired, aching feeling in the eyes which lessens on tightly closing the lids, or applying cold compresses. A craving for sweets and an apprehensive nature (causing diarrhoea) are other features of this medicine.

Belladonna 30:

Sudden, severe conjunctivitis, Not only the eyes, but the whole face appears red. Throbbing pain and burning in the eyes. The pupils are abnormally large (dilated).

Euphrasia 30:

Acute conjunctivitis with redness and itching of the eyes. The tears, which flow out constantly, are acrid, causing burning of the eyes. Simultaneously, the nose also waters. But this fluid is bland (non-burning). Warm applications to the eyes seem to worsen the problem.


  •     Redness and pain, without any discharge from the eyes excludes conjunctivitis and signifies some other (perhaps serious) eye-problem, warranting the attention of eye-doctor.

  •     If redness and discharge do not diminish in a day or two, consult an eye-doctor without further delay.

Monday 26 May 2014


Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis caused by gradual, progressive degeneration of the joint cartilage (pad) with advancing age.

It is characterised by –

  1. Pain and stiffness in the affected joint (usually a joint of the lower limb) which increase very gradually over the years,
  2. Absence of any real swelling, redness or warmth in the affected joint,
  3. Presence of a typical crackling noise (called crepitus) on moving the joint and 
  4. Formation of new bone (in the form of projections called osteophytes) along the joint-margin. 


Check if most symptoms of any of these remedies match with most of your symptoms:

Arnica 30:

Osteoarthritis following an injury to (e.g., a fracture of) a joint. Apart from pain and stiffness, there is a sore, beaten-up gelling in the joint. Everything, on which the affected joint lies, seems too hard. Joint-pains are worse from touch (massage) or heat (unlike Rhus tox). Resting the affected joint dose not relieve pain.

Bryonia 30:

Joint pain which gets worse from least motion or exertion but improves with absolute rest (compare Rhus tox). Applying heat to the joint or lying on it helps (compare Arnica). Pressing, massaging or bandaging the joint also helps.

Calc phos 30 :

Osteoarthritis in lean, emaciated persons. Apart from pain and stiffness, there is a sensation of numbness and crawling in the affected joint. Symptoms are worse in damp, cold weather but better in hot, dry weather.

Causticum 30:

Chronic osteoarthritis with joint-deformities from contractures of muscles. Pain is worse in clear fine weather but lessens in the monsoon.

Rhus tox 30:

Osteoarthritis characterised by stiffness, pain and a feeling of soreness in the affected joint (compare Arnica).Pain and stiffness are worse after rest (inactivity) but gradually diminish on walking around (unlike Bryonia). Joint-problems are worse in rainy weather but better by application of dry heat.


  • Discontinue the medicine as soon as about fifty per cent improvement has occurred. Restart the medicine if symptoms worsen again or reappear later.
  • If none of the above-listed medicines seems matching or if no improvement occurs even after taking ten doses of the selected medicine, consult a competent homoeopathic doctor. 

Friday 23 May 2014


Appendicitis is a small, finger-like organ present at the junction of small and large intestines. When it gets inflamed (swollen), the condition is termed appendicitis. Homoeopathy, frequently, succeeds in averting surgery to remove a swollen appendix.


Check if most symptoms of any of these medicines match with most of your symptoms:

Belladonna 30:

Sudden, acute a appendicitis with agonising abdominal pain, high fever, flushed face and throbbing carotids. The fever, at times, may rise ro the extent of causing violent delirium.

Bryonia 30:

Gradually developing appendicitis with severe pain in the abdomen forcing the victim to lie absolutely still since slightest motion aggravates the pain. The victim feels better by lying on the abdomen or the right side and by cold applications to the abdomen. There is extreme thirst for large quantities of cold water.

Lris tenax 30:

This is considered a near-specific medicine for appendicitis. There is severe pain in the right groin, frightening the victim almost to death. The pain lessens with warm applications. Dryness of the mouth and the eyes is another feature pointing to this remedy.


Constipation is the natural consequence of leading a sedentary, irregular, modern life.


Check if most symptoms of any of these medicines match with most of your symptoms:

Alumina 30:

Constipation due to dryness and inactivity of the intestines. There is no desire to evacuate the bowels till there is a large accumulation of stools. The stool, even though soft, requires much straining to be expelled; it adheres to the rectum like clay. The person has an abnormal craving for indigestible things like chalk, charcoal, etc. and an aversion to meat and potatoes.

Bryonia 30:

Constipation due to extreme dryness of mucous membranes of the large intestine. There is no desire to pass stools. When they do pass out, the stools heard and dry (as if burnt). Constipation causes headache which becomes worse on moving the head. There is extreme thirst for large quantities of cold water. There is a dislike for milk and fried foods.

Graphites 30:

Constipation due to dryness of mucous membranes. The stools are very hard, in the form of large lumps which are joint together by slimy threads. Constipation is relived by drinking hot milk. A dry, cracking skin and a sad, weeping disposition are other features of this remedy.

Nux v 30:

Constipation from consuming an excess of tea-coffee and leading a sedentary life. The is frequent, ineffectual desire to pass stools. Only a small amount of stools are evacuated, the person never feeling satisfied. Constipation, sometimes, alternates with diarrhoea. An oversensitive nature and a tendency to catch colds are other pointers to this remedy.

Senna 30:

The extract or concoction prepared from the leaves of senna ha been used as a purgative since ancient times. Severe constipation with pain in the abdomen, especially in the liver region. The stools are hard and dark. There is flatulence and loss of appetite.

Silicea 30:

Obstinate constipation; stools are retained for long time in the intestines. They pass out only after great straining. The stools are partly expelled and then recede back, forcing the person to remove them mechanically with the fingers. The patient has an intolerance for cold weather. In fact, he wraps himself with warm clothes even in summer. However, he has a liking for cold drinks and foods (ice-cream).


1. Consume a high-fibre diet and drink plenty of fluids (water). Perform exercise or yogasanas regularly.
2. 1.   Discontinue the medicine as soon about fifty per cent improvement occurs. Restart-listed medicine if symptoms worsen again or reappear later.
3. 1.   If the selected medicine does not help, consult a competent homoeopathy doctor.

Tuesday 20 May 2014


A wound is break in the skin and, often, the soft tissues beneath the skin are also damaged.

There are four types of wounds: incisions, lacerations, abrasions and punctures. An incised wound is clean cut, caused by a sharp-edged instrument like a blade or a knife. A lacerated wound is such in which the skin is irregularly torn. An abrasion is an injury in which the upper layer of the skin is scrapped off, due to violent rubbing with an uneven surface. A punctured wound is caused by a pointed object like a nail or a pain.

Deep wounds, where tissues underlying the skin like muscles, tendons, blood-vessels or nerves are damaged may require skilled attention or surgical intervention. But ‘not so serious’ wounds can be treated at home. These not only require internal medicines but also external dressings, Calendual officinalis, prepared from the tall, wild marigold, ‘the herb of the sun’, are the chief homoeopathic medicine for wound-dressing. Calendula is not an antiseptic in a literal sense, but germs do not thrive in its presence. When a fresh wound is dressed using Calendula lotion, germs can be kept away. Even when wounds are already badly infected, we have seen offensive purulent discharges becoming clean and sweet-smelling in a day or two. However, Calendula is not the only external wound-remedy. Hypericum and Ledum are also useful in treating wounds, each having its own indication. Hypericum lotion is particularly effective in relieving pain of injured nerves. Ledum lotion is helpful for punctured wounds and sprains, especially if the injured part remains cold and numb. It should, however, be noted that Arnica lotion is an irritant and should not be applied to broken skin. A lotion of any homoeopathy remedy can be prepared by putting ten drops of the mother tincture (of the remedy) in one cup of pure (boiled and cooled) water.

We would like to emphasize over here that a dressing once applied should be left undisturbed for days. For a day or two, the dressing may be freshly moistened from the outside with the lotion in sue, but on no account should it be moved or removes, even though it may look stained or give off an unpleasant odour. Not only do frequent dressings interfere with healing by causing damage to growing calls and new blood-vessels but they also cause pain and discomfort to the patient and, what is even more serious, predispose to fresh contamination of the wound by air-borne germs. If, after a couple of days of applying the dressing, there are signs of wound-contamination and consequent inflammation (viz. redness, heat, swelling and pain) in the vicinity of the wound, Hepar sulph 30 should be given internally, there a day till these signs subside.

The pricinpals of treating any type of wound homoeopathically are the same:
  • Give a dose of Arnica 200, to counteract the shock to trauma,
  • Clean the wound gently yet thoroughly, either with mild soap and water or with the lotion of an appropriate homoeopathy remedy.
  • Dress the wound with a suitable homoeopathic lotion, leaving it undisturbed for a few days and
  • Give an appropriate homoeopathic remedy, to be taken orally, for a few days.

An abrasion should be cleaned with Calendula lotion. An incised or lacerated wound should be cleaned either with Calendula lotion or with Hypericum lotion, if nerves have been injured causing severe pain. A punctured wound should be cleaned with or soaked in Ledum lotion.

After a wound has been cleaned, it requires to be dressed and bandage, to prevent its contamination with bacteria. A dressing is a sterile gauze-piece, soaked in an appropriate homoeopathy lotion and put directly over the wound. A bandage hols the dressing in place for a few days, till healing has progressed considerably. Most wounds can be dressed using either Calendula or Hypericum lotion. However, Ledum lotion should be used for punctured wounds. As mentioned earlier, the dressing should not be disturbed for a few days. If it feels excessively dry, it can be moistened from time to time by pouring over it, a few drops of the concerned lotion.

For abrasions, Calendula 30 is a good internal remedy. Give it thrice a day for a few days. For incisions or lacerations, again Calendula 30 or (if pain is sever) Hypericum 30 can be given three or four times a day. For very severe pain in an incisional wound,  Hypericum can be substituted by Staphisagria 30. For punctured wounds, Ledum 30 is an ideal internal remedy. If the injured part is not numb and cold and if there is severe pain shooting upwards, Ledum can be replaced by Hypericum 30.

As usual, discontinue the medicine as soon as pain has been relived considerable and healing has advanced satisfactorily.