Thursday 24 July 2014


Hearty or late suppers frequently cause disturbed sleep, and sometimes sleeplessness. The use of coffee and tea, late rising in the morning, strong mental emotions, reading, writing, and mental application, during the evening, are among the chief causes of this derangement. 


If sleeplessness or disturbed sleep, arises either from eating too much at supper, or from late suppers, let the patient avoid the former, and abandon forever the Katter, and take Pulsatilla about one hour before retiring. Give Aconite when sleeplessness is caused by mental anxiety, or by alarming events, fear, fright, or chagrin, especially if there is fullness of the head.

Give Belladonna one hour before retiring, when the patient feels sleepy, but on sleep follows; also when he cannot restrain his thoughts; and when frightful visions occur during sleep.

Nux Vomica is the proper remedy when the sleeplessness is caused by thinking, reading, or writing late at night, and when all sorts of ideas crowd upon the patient’s mind; it is especially useful in the case of coffee-drinkers, and of those who use alcoholic and fermented drinks.

Ignatia, when the sleeplessness is caused by grief, sadness care, mental anxiety, and depressing emotions. Opium will be required for the sleeplessness of aged people also give it to others if Aconite does not relieve this symptom, when it is caused by fear or fright.

Give Hyoscyamus when sleeplessness occurs during the progress of fevers and other disease or while recovering from them. If it fails, select some other remedy.

For sleeplessness of young children, give Aconite, especially when there is fever or restlessness, and if the symptoms are not relieved in an hour, give coffea; repeat  these remedies if necessary. Belladonna may be given if the child cries without apparent cause; and if there is sudden starting or twitching which is not relieved by it, give Chamomilla. Give Chamomilla when the child is trouble with colic, or earache, and if it fails give Belladonna. Repeat the dose of either medicine every hour until relief follows.

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