Monday 2 June 2014


Conjunctivitis means an inflammation (swelling) of the most superficial membrane covering the eye. It is characterised by redness of and discharge from the eyes, causing their agglutination in the morning.


Check if most symptoms of any of the below-given remedies match with most of your symptoms:

Aconite 30:

Sudden, acute conjunctivitis with red eyes and swollen eye-lids. The eyes are dry and hot and there is a feeling of sand in them. The victims is restless and anxious and feel he is going to die. There is an unquenchable thirst for cold water.

Argentum n 30:

Severe conjunctivitis, the inner corners of the eyes looking especially red. There a profuse, pus-like discharge from the eyes. There is a tired, aching feeling in the eyes which lessens on tightly closing the lids, or applying cold compresses. A craving for sweets and an apprehensive nature (causing diarrhoea) are other features of this medicine.

Belladonna 30:

Sudden, severe conjunctivitis, Not only the eyes, but the whole face appears red. Throbbing pain and burning in the eyes. The pupils are abnormally large (dilated).

Euphrasia 30:

Acute conjunctivitis with redness and itching of the eyes. The tears, which flow out constantly, are acrid, causing burning of the eyes. Simultaneously, the nose also waters. But this fluid is bland (non-burning). Warm applications to the eyes seem to worsen the problem.


  •     Redness and pain, without any discharge from the eyes excludes conjunctivitis and signifies some other (perhaps serious) eye-problem, warranting the attention of eye-doctor.

  •     If redness and discharge do not diminish in a day or two, consult an eye-doctor without further delay.

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