Monday 12 May 2014

Childhood-Disorders In Homoeopathy


Measles is highly infective, viral disease (usually) of children, which though bothersome is not serious. It sets in with symptoms of catarrh e.g. sneezing, running nose, redness and watering of eyes, house cough, prostration and fever which may go quite high (103-104• F). At this early stage, it is difficult to distinguish measles from an attack of cold or influenza. However, in about 24 hours characteristic Koplik spots (raised, white, salt-like spots) develop inside the mouth, confirming the diagnosis. On the fourth day appear small, red rashes, first on the face, then on the neck/ body and finally on the legs; adjacent rashes may coalesce to from raised blotches. With the appearance of rashes, the fever declines. The rashes disappear in 4-5 days.


Measles can easily be prevented through Homoeopathy. When an epidemic of measles breaks out, give your child a dose of Morbillinum 200 in the morning and another in the evening. This Homoeopathy medicine confers upon your child, a reasonably strong immunity against measles.

However, if your child has already contracted an infection of measles (say from neighbourhood on from his school), given him that remedy from the below-listed ones, whose symptoms match with those of your child

Aconite 30:

Sudden onset of acute symptoms (described earlier) accompanied by intense nervousness restlessness and in inexplicable fear, especially in the evening and at night. During fever, the child has an acute, thirst for large quantities of cold water (like Bryonia, but unlike Gelsemium, Pulsatilla). He feels better in open air.

Arsenic 30:

Here again, the child exhibits acute restlessness, anguish and fear (like Aconite). However, unlike Aconite, the dislike cold drinks or foods because they seem to worsen his problems. Moreover, he complains of burning (in the eyes, skin, etc), which is relieve by warm applications.

Belladonna 30:

Sudden onset of acute symptoms of measles (like Aconite). The skin (of the face and body) is dry, hot and red. Unlike Aconite, there is an absence of thirst, especially during the febrile stage, and a dislike for  open air.

Bryonia 30:

Very slow, gradual onset of symptoms (like Gelsemium), accompanied by dryness of the eye, the mouth, intestines, etc) consequently, there is acute thirst for large quantities of cold water (like Aconite). The child lies absolutely still on the bed because even the slighted motion seems to aggravate his problems; even when coughing he hold his chest to prevent it from moving.

Euphrasia 30:

Suitable during the early (catarrhal) stage of the disease if these symptoms are present profuse watering from the eyes, causing burning and redness of eyes, however profuse nasal discharge is bland (non-burning); cough is present only during the day time (especially in the evening) but is absent at night.

Ferrum Phos 30:

Slow, gradual onset symptoms. Fever intensifies at night or in the early morning (4-6 a.m.).There is throbbing headache which is relived by cold applications.

Gelsemium 30:

Very slow, gradual onset of symptoms (like Bryonia, Ferrum phos) of measles, accompanied by dullness of the mind, drowsiness and dizziness. There is trembling of the limbs and the whole body. Another characteristic feature is completed absence of thirst (like Pulsatilla).

Pulsatilla 30:

This remedy, perhaps the most important medicine for measles, is distinguished by a weeping disposition, thirstlessness (like Gelsemium) and an internal feeling of chilliness (yet the child dislike covering and wants to be in open air.

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