Showing posts with label Appendicitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appendicitis. Show all posts

Friday 23 May 2014


Appendicitis is a small, finger-like organ present at the junction of small and large intestines. When it gets inflamed (swollen), the condition is termed appendicitis. Homoeopathy, frequently, succeeds in averting surgery to remove a swollen appendix.


Check if most symptoms of any of these medicines match with most of your symptoms:

Belladonna 30:

Sudden, acute a appendicitis with agonising abdominal pain, high fever, flushed face and throbbing carotids. The fever, at times, may rise ro the extent of causing violent delirium.

Bryonia 30:

Gradually developing appendicitis with severe pain in the abdomen forcing the victim to lie absolutely still since slightest motion aggravates the pain. The victim feels better by lying on the abdomen or the right side and by cold applications to the abdomen. There is extreme thirst for large quantities of cold water.

Lris tenax 30:

This is considered a near-specific medicine for appendicitis. There is severe pain in the right groin, frightening the victim almost to death. The pain lessens with warm applications. Dryness of the mouth and the eyes is another feature pointing to this remedy.