Monday 30 June 2014


This disease is frequently caused by sedentary and indolent habits, and by occupations which confine to the sitting position. Sitting on cushions favours the development of piles by heating the parts. High-seasoned food, stimulating and fermented drinks and cathartic remedies are also among the causes which give rise to this affection.


A sensation of fullness, heat, and perhaps itching is felt about the anus, caused in the great measure by the dilatation of the veins of the lower part of the intestine or rectum, and in the anus or external passage. The swelling increases until small tumors from which are sore and painful. These may be external and visible or internal, and are often of a bluish color, and when inflamed they are very sore and painful to the touch. There is frequently a discharge of bold, especially from internal piles, and such discharges often return repeatedly until a habit is established, and there is a feeling of fullness before and relief after such discharges. 


If there are much inflammation, heat, pain, soreness, and fever, give Aconite once in two hours until these symptoms are relived. If there is hemorrhage give Nitric acid once in two hours until it is relived, and then give a dose every morning and dose of Nux vom. Every night for two weeks, after which give Nux vom. At night and Sulphur in the morning. These two remedies may be continued for several months. If not withstanding the above remedies hemorrhage returns a dose of Calcarea carb. Given night and morning for a few weeks will rarely fail to relive this symptom, and also to benefit the piles. If the flow of blood is very profuse give a dose of Ipecac every hour until it is relieved. If there is no hemorrhage and the patient is either of sedentary habits or a high liver, give Nux vom. At night and Sulphur in the morning. With females Pulsatilla sometimes dose better then Nux vom. In obstinate cases if the piles are bluish and there is burning in them, give Carbo veg night and morning.

If the patient expects a permanent cure of this disease, he must shun the causes which have produced it, or he can never obtain anything more than palliative relief from the best remedies. He must shun all stimulating drinks and spices, use brown bread, and but little meat, and eat temperately, and take active out-door exercise. Lie with the face downward, and sustain the weight of the body by the elbows and toes, resting on a sofa or bed, for a few moments, and then slowly raise the hips and lower them five or six times; this tends to relive the congestion of the veins about the anus, and if repeated two or three times a day, but also fore felling of the bowels, as well as for failing of the womb. 

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Myopia (short-sightedness)

Myopia is a visual defect in which near vision is good but distance vision is blurred. The victim, usually a child or a youth, requires minus (concave) glasses to see clearly at distance. In young age, myopia is progressive so that glasses gradually grow thicker.


Check if most symptoms of any of these medicines match with your symptoms:

Physostigma 30:

Increasing myopia, with small pupils and twitching eye-muscles. The eyes feel tired and irritated even after a little use. Soreness of tongue-tip and a fluttering of the heart (which is felt even in the throat) are other features of the remedy.

Phos 30:

Short-sightedness in tall, lean, narrow-chested person. Black floaters before the eyes. Lights seem to be surrounded by a green halo. Letters appear red. Puffiness all around the eyes. An oversensitive nature and an irresistible desire for cold drinks and foods (e.g., ice cream) are other pointers to this remedy.


1.   Since myopia is a progressive defect tending to increase during the entire childhood and adolescence, other therapeutic measures like eye-exercises, Acupressure and Magnet Therapy are, perhaps, more important than medicines. Details of these measures are given in the book ‘Vision Training Programme’ by the same author.

Monday 2 June 2014


Conjunctivitis means an inflammation (swelling) of the most superficial membrane covering the eye. It is characterised by redness of and discharge from the eyes, causing their agglutination in the morning.


Check if most symptoms of any of the below-given remedies match with most of your symptoms:

Aconite 30:

Sudden, acute conjunctivitis with red eyes and swollen eye-lids. The eyes are dry and hot and there is a feeling of sand in them. The victims is restless and anxious and feel he is going to die. There is an unquenchable thirst for cold water.

Argentum n 30:

Severe conjunctivitis, the inner corners of the eyes looking especially red. There a profuse, pus-like discharge from the eyes. There is a tired, aching feeling in the eyes which lessens on tightly closing the lids, or applying cold compresses. A craving for sweets and an apprehensive nature (causing diarrhoea) are other features of this medicine.

Belladonna 30:

Sudden, severe conjunctivitis, Not only the eyes, but the whole face appears red. Throbbing pain and burning in the eyes. The pupils are abnormally large (dilated).

Euphrasia 30:

Acute conjunctivitis with redness and itching of the eyes. The tears, which flow out constantly, are acrid, causing burning of the eyes. Simultaneously, the nose also waters. But this fluid is bland (non-burning). Warm applications to the eyes seem to worsen the problem.


  •     Redness and pain, without any discharge from the eyes excludes conjunctivitis and signifies some other (perhaps serious) eye-problem, warranting the attention of eye-doctor.

  •     If redness and discharge do not diminish in a day or two, consult an eye-doctor without further delay.